2008年4月24日 星期四

Stephanie & Philip

認識Stephanie & Philip已經四年了,因為我是他們pre-wedding同wedding day的攝影師.Philip和我除了人客關係之外更成為朋友.上星期接到了Stephanie & Philip的喜訊,他們的小生命將會十月出生.我恭喜他們之餘也為他們感到興奮.在一個下午約會談及他們的心情.在消息之前本想為他們再影多一輯pre-wedding,現在我們想可能改為影Stephanie懷孕的照片,再者他們的小生命出世時我也會為他們記錄起來.衷心祝福你們和你們的BB.

1 則留言:

Philip 提到...

I knew Lawrence by chance through internet. After meeting him and he showed the pictures taken previously, we decided to hire him without second thought. What impresses us most are the magnificant photos he taken in one of the celebrities's wedding banquet.Also he is very professional and passionate in photography, last but not least he is cool!